You want a clear, simple plan that’s tailored to your body.
One that helps you confidently navigate your fertility journey without second-guessing everything you eat or supplement with.
You want to feel like your body is working *with* you, not against you.
It feels like no one really gets it & you are constantly having to fight back tears to advocate for yourself
Eating healthy, taking a prenatal and "fertility supplements", exercising—and still, it feels like your body isn’t cooperating.
Maybe you’ve experienced pregnancy loss, you’re worried that time is running out and want to feel confident meeting your nutrient requirements.
The uncertainty, the stress, the feeling that you’re doing something wrong, even when you’re doing your best... it's exhausting. The endless hours spent researching conflicting advice only adds to your overwhelm.
This is what impacts egg & sperm QUALITY - the two biggest factors contributing to infertility.
Instead of following conflicting advice online and feeling overwhelmed, stuck and unsure if what you are doing is actually optimising your fertility
An 8-week program for women with low AMH or unexplained infertility who feel overwhelmed by fertility advice and want a clear, science-backed, plant-based approach to confidently optimise their body for conception—naturally or via IVF
This program will take you feeling overwhelmed, confused and not knowing if your diet is hurting or hindering your fertility to feeling your best and announcing a healthy pregnancy with confidence even if you already eat healthy and/or plant-based or have experienced one or more loss
you need
I love my morning coffee, come from a family of chefs & in my late 20s discovered my egg reserve was prematurely declining (despite eating healthy). I was devastatingly told I’d struggle to conceive and to hurry up!
Tried and Tested Fertility Supplement Plans for PCOS, Recurrent Loss & Endo [$200 value]
21-Day Plant-based Fertility Meal Plan [$149 value]
Take the effort out of knowing what to eat or meal prep for optimal fertility.
This meal plan is jam-packed with easy and nourishing meals specifically designed to boost nutrient variety, balance hormones, boost egg quality and support overall fertility making it easier for you to adopt a fertility-friendly diet asap.
20% off practitioner-only supplements [$200+ in savings]
Did you know the supplement industry is unregulated? This means the quality of nutrients varies greatly and giving yourself the best possible chance of a healthy pregnancy requires high quality supplements at the right dose.
While you won't be spending thousands on supplements, you can be expected to spend $50-100/month for 3-6 months on premium practitioner-only supplements that actually work!
This discount will save you $100s over your journey and give you access to high-quality supplements that are usually only available to practitioners.
Take your fertility journey to the next level with 1:1 support. Includes micronutrient blood tests & semen analysis for male partners, a personalised supplement plan in addition to the fortnightly calls.
Price in AUD
Instant & lifetime access to the program portal
Payment plans available
fertility vip
Get 8 weeks of support through our fortnightly coaching calls, designed to help you take make changes with guidance from your fertility dietitian.
Price in AUD
Instant & lifetime access to the program portal
Payment plans available
I get it—life is full, and you already have so much on your plate.
This isn’t just a general healthy eating plan—it’s a targeted approach that factors in the specific nutrients and habits your body needs to thrive in preconception.
You’ll discover that even small tweaks can make a huge difference in your fertility journey, no matter how “healthy” your current routine is.
You’ll finally feel confident in your food choice and what nutrients you need to boost your fertility.
You'll finally know you're doing everything in your power to improve your fertility naturally.
Prep Your Body for Baby takes it a step further by zeroing in on fertility-specific nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle changes tailored to optimise your chances of getting pregnant and staying pregnant.
If you’re already eating well, that’s fantastic!
Take your fertility journey to the next level with 1:1 support. Includes micronutrient blood tests & semen analysis for male partners, a personalised supplement plan in addition to the fortnightly calls.
Price in AUD
Instant & lifetime access to the program portal
Payment plans available
fertility vip
Get 8 weeks of support through our fortnightly coaching calls, designed to help you take make changes with guidance from your fertility dietitian.
Price in AUD
Instant & lifetime access to the program portal
Payment plans available