Get pregnant, stay pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy

Helping busy women confidently eat vegan, vegetarian and predominately plant-based during their fertility and pregnancy journey without overwhelm.


Gain Back Control

 Ditch trying to figure out the best food and supplement choices for an empowered journey. Feel confident you have done everything in your power to bring home a healthy baby. 

Feel Your Best

With the tools, testing and guidance you deserve to optimise not only your diet but your energy levels too before you try again (or for the first time) and throughout pregnancy.

Your Pregnancy, Your Way

Off-load the opinions, judgement & overwhelm of for practical steps and accountability you can integrate into your busy lifestyle with ease.


There are 2 ways you can work with me to boost your fertility & have a healthy pregnancy

Planning IVF, egg freezing or over 35 and struggling to get pregnant? 

This 90-minute session designed to improve the quality of your eggs in preparation for IVF or if you are struggling to get pregnant. 

Egg Quality Accelerator



Want to give yourself the best possible chance of a healthy pregnancy in the shortest time possible?

This comprehensive 8 week program is perfect for you.

1:1 Fertility Nutrition Intensive



Hey, I'm Bec

I love my morning coffee, come from a family of chefs & in my late 20s discovered my egg reserve was prematurely declining (despite eating healthy). I was devastatingly told I’d struggle to conceive and to hurry up!


I am also an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), Certified Fertility and Pregnancy Dietitian Nutritionist and founder of Plantful Pregnancy - where I help busy women, just like you, confidently eat vegan, vegetarian and predominantly plant-based so you can get pregnant, stay pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy.

With 9 in 10 women of reproductive age not meeting their nutrient requirements, I'm here to show you how to eat predominately or exclusively plant-based in a way that feels good to you.

Truth is, I don’t just tell you what to eat but empower you with the knowledge to make informed food choices and give you realistic strategies that actually work so you can set you and your future baby up for the best possible start to life while confidently & consistently meeting your nutrient needs without confusion, worry or overwhelm.

If you’re ready to take the guesswork out of what to eat and take on your fertility and pregnancy journey, feel your best and leave feeling judged behind then I’m here as your biggest supporter with the tools, testing and guidance you deserve during this precious time.

"I have never felt so good physically and mentally, which is essential before going into IVF."

I found fertility overwhelming and didn't feel confident in what nutrients I needed, what supplements I should and shouldn't take, and if there was anything I could do to optimise my chances of a more successful IVF journey.

Bec's extensive knowledge and guidance have been invaluable. The difference in how I feel now, as I prepare for IVF, compared to before the program, is remarkable.

 - Tamara K

"To our complete surprise I am now 6 weeks pregnant and we conceived naturally!"

Before working with Bec, I had experienced 4 failed attempts at IVF and was recommended a donor egg by fertility specialists. Due to my age (41 years old) I had lost hope but after discovering Plantful Pregnancy, I thought it would be worth a try before taking the donor egg route and loved that the program also catered for my vegan lifestyle. I learnt so much about how I can improve my egg quality. Working one on one with Bec gave me so much hope and also kept me accountable. 

- Ange G

"This program and Bec are fantastic and have made both my partner and I feel so much more prepared and confident."

Bec's approach was both thorough and personable. Her online Prep Your Body For Baby modules were packed with useful information, making the entire process clear and manageable. With her 1:1 support, I’ve seen remarkable improvements: my energy levels are up, my sleep quality has drastically improved, and I feel more equipped than ever to maintain a healthy diet for conception and pregnancy.

- Eleni K 

"To anyone thinking about working with Bec or joining Prep Your Body For Baby, I would say “it’s the best place to go for a plant based Mumma to be”

I loved the direction and guidance on what to eat that aligned to my vegan values that would improve my chances. I love that the program is evidence-based and there was never any pressure to eat meat.

- Kit P 

"I would definitely recommend Bec to anyone wanting confidence in their health and fertility journey."

Bec has been such an incredible support through my journey, she tailored my plan specifically to my individual needs making me feel confident in each trimester! She regularly checked in and showed genuine care for my health.

- Francesca E

""After a couple of weeks of working with Bec, and I was pregnant again, and this time I knew exactly what I needed to do to nourish my body to keep pregnant and remain vegan."

I first met Bec at the end of 2021 when I had suffered two miscarriages and was overwhelmed by all of the information I could find on google.  I truly could not have stayed confident in my diet decisions without my tailored fertility roadmap, Bec's insight and support. I now know how to nourish me and the little one growing inside of me.

- Stacey M

7 tweaks to get pregnant naturally

Forget tracking your cycle. Making tweaks to your diet can boost your fertility by 69%


Grab a cup of spearmint tea and listen to uplifting stories of hope plus discover the latest science helping you have a healthy pregnancy.

Plantful Fertility & Pregnancy Podcast

33 & Facing AMH 2.0: How Kit Achieved a Healthy Pregnancy in 12 Weeks *coming soon*

listen now

How to choose the best prenatal supplement

Why prepping for pregnancy is your best decision yet

How to identify your fertile window & when to have sex

Is oxidative stress hurting your egg quality?

Hello, I'm Bec.

Coffee lover, Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), Certified Fertility and Pregnancy Dietitian Nutritionist helping you get pregnant, stay pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy.